it's perfect weather

What could bring more joy than driving through a Barrie neighbourhood while it’s all decked out for Christmas?  It’s perfect weather right now to plan your outdoor decorating for the fall and winter seasons.

Outdoor Decorating for the Holidays

it's perfect weather

If you want to contribute to the Christmas feeling, there are many, many lights and styles to choose from.  Some homeowners decorate their lawns and trees only, while others showcase decorations with spotlights.

On the other hand, while you may be excited to see the extraordinary rooftop scenes, few people are truly comfortable with that installation.

Deciding What to Purchase

it's perfect weather

We’re sure that many of you have noticed that the seasonal stock in most major chains has already moved to the Christmas Season.  Because of this, it’s the perfect time to decide on your outdoor lighting.  There are many choices, each with pros and cons.  We’ve put together some ideas on what is available to purchase and how they are used in outdoor decorating.

A Note from JN Roofing

it's perfect weather

JN Roofing, one of the city’s most respected roofing companies wants you to remember that: ‘You should never poke a hole in asphalt shingles, or any other part of your roof – no matter how small.  Even the hole from a staple gun will decrease the integrity of your roof, causing the possibility of damage over the long term.’

The Parts of Your Roof

it's perfect weather

When you’ve decided to hang lights from your roof, you shouldn’t use any fasteners that puncture anything on your roof.  This includes nails, staples or screws.  When discussing your roof, we’re also talking about the eaves troughing, soffit and fascia.  In fact, if you’re a new homeowner, it’s a good idea to learn about the parts of the roof and roof edge before you begin.

The Solution

it's perfect weather

There is a solution though – specialized plastic clips that hug the gutters, but don’t leave a mark.  Using the clips you can create a huge display without worrying about damage to your roof.

No Gutters – No Worries

it's perfect weather

On areas of the roof that don’t have gutters, attach the clip to the drip edge of the shingle.  Take extra care to avoid breaking the sealant bond to the shingle below it.  Some people even use adhesive strips to attach the clips on the shingles just as they would on the vertical parts of their homes. Just don’t puncture your roof.

Available Choices

it's perfect weather

Choose from the simple hooks where you simply place the light line into the hook and the clip rests over the edge of your Eavestrough.  This is very simple and effective, however doesn’t create a line as taut as other choices.

Clip to the Line is a choice that also hooks onto the line of lights but has a tighter hold.  They’re great for icicle or rope lights that don’t have bulbs that need specific placement.  These clips are also installed by hooking on to the Eavestrough.

Clip to the Bulb clips holds onto the bulb itself for maximum precision.  These are very cool as all the bulbs point exactly as you direct them creating a spectacular yet tidy look.  These clips need to be purchased according to the size of your chosen bulbs.  They may take more work but your lights are much more secure in inclement weather.  Again, these clips are installed onto the Eavestrough or drip line of your shingles.

Roof Peak Clips are for those adventurous souls that want to create a larger scene covering more of their roof.  These particular clips are attached to the edge of the shingles.  Try not to buy clips that tuck under the shingles or use deck clips – they’re meant for railings and won’t be secure on your roof.

JN Roofing

it's perfect weather

Hope all this advice helps with any upcoming shopping sprees for your seasonal decorations.  Thanks again to JN Roofing of Barrie for the wonderful advice.

Contact JN Roofing for any of your roofing needs.  They will help to keep your home safe, sound and beautiful.

For more interesting reads about roofing – follow this link.

it's perfect weather

Written By: Jane Laker

Photo Credit: Veronika Kovecses

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